Deep in student loan Debt? Discover the Roadmap to Freedom!

Are you in a lot of debt and searching for a way to take control of your finances?

Or have you given up on managing your money because it feels like you are in a deep black hole from which you will never escape from?

We have a spaceship ready to transport you from this black hole back to Earth!

What is holding you back from creating the lifestyle you want?

Lack of knowledge

Lack of time

Lack of Discipline

Do you know your limiting beliefs around money?

I know how it feels to be drowning in student loan debt. I have studied and paid for my education all my life. I paid for my first degree with a student loan. So I know how it feels and where to start. I also know your limiting beliefs around money are holding you back. I know this because I have been there before and so have my clients. Money is one of the biggest sources of stress and when I realized my money is my business and I treated it like a business my life changed.

I know wealth creation can feel alien to some people, so I have asked my alien friends to support me in translating this alien language about money management. They travel regularly from the year 2050 to share their experience and wisdom. You are welcome to share a journey with them; they will translate the alien language used in money management.

A good place to start is identifying your limiting beliefs around money and defining who is important to you and what you want for them and yourself.

No matter where you are in your journey, we have a seat for you on our spaceship.

Do you know your limiting beliefs around money? Most people don't so I am so glad you landed on this page because the information on this page can change your life. Wealth does not come naturally it is a skill everybody must learn. Some people learn by observing their parents but most people have to learn from books, training courses, mentors and people who are prepared to share their experience. Are you ready to make a change in your life? Only you can change your future because it requires action and learning the rules of creating wealth. The starting point is understanding your spending habits!

Order your Spending Habit Report!

Conducting a thorough self-examination is crucial for your financial growth. Identify and confront your limiting beliefs surrounding money and wealth creation as these subconscious beliefs often operate unnoticed.

This report highlights these hidden convictions, bringing them into conscious awareness.

Recognizing and transforming these beliefs pave the way for a mindset that creates lasting wealth and positive financial behaviours.

So why a Spending Habit Report?

How we think affects absolutely everything we do. But did you know that your spending habits do not need to be a mystery?

Spending habits can be accurately measured because they are linked to your thinking preferences!

This insight can bolster your uniqueness, as well as be a starting point for covering any areas where you may be working against yourself.

The Spending Habit Report is based on years of research by Dr Kobus Neethling from the Kobus Neethling Institute in South Africa.

Your money coach Agnesia Agrella is a certified Whole Brain Practitioner from the Neethling Institute. She will guide you through your Spending Habit report and assist you in identifying what is holding you back and how to release these blind spots!!

What is your biggest challenge at the moment?
Where are you today? In debt or savings?

These Resources support you to determine your North Star!

In the cosmic dance of financial success, Napoleon Hill's philosophy highlights the truth that planning is the celestial navigator to wealth creation. Like plotting a course through the vastness of space, meticulous planning serves as the compass steering you towards the stars of prosperity. Hill's wisdom emphasizes the importance of setting clear goals, visualizing success, and executing well-laid plans to transcend earthly limitations.

In this cosmic voyage, money management becomes the spacecraft that propels one through the galaxies of opportunity, avoiding the gravitational pull of poverty. Just as astronauts rely on precise planning for a successful mission, individuals must harness the power of strategic money management to reach the limitless frontiers of wealth creation in the universe of possibilities.

Although you can speed up the process you cannot skip steps in the process. These resources are a great place to start your journey.

Plan your desired lifestyle!

Dreaming small is the biggest reason why most people do not create financial freedom. Clarity leads to power and clarity of your wealth goal will focus your subconscious mind to find a way for you to achieve this goal. What gets measured gets done. You will be amazed at how much you can achieve in 1 year.

Your money is your business!

Mind your own business is a common English saying that asks for respect and privacy. This book, Amazon Best Selling Author Agnesia Agrella, explains why it is important to mind your own business and not hand over control of your money to other people. Nobody will treat your money with the same respect as you would.

Making wealth creation fun!



Address: Glasgow, Scotland